In this course we discuss the laws, regulations and vehicle/building standards pertaining to “tiny houses on wheels” / tiny house vehicles (THVs) in Australia. 

It does not cover the laws, regulations or vehicle/building standards in any other country.  Overseas viewers need to do their own research into these aspects of their THV design.

There are no Australian Standards (AS) for building a THV.  Over time Australian Standards may become available for THV’s, but for now everyone who designs & builds THV’s must acknowledge that all the construction methods used for THV’s are untested, innovative, inherently risky and might fail.

The methods for tiny house construction represented in this course, while they have been discussed extensively with numerous engineers, have not been tested or certified by an engineer.  Fred Schultz of Fred’s Tiny Houses Pty Ltd is not an engineer. 

The Unified Construction Method® (UCM®) is one of several tiny house construction methods described in this online course.  


The Unified Construction Method® has patent rights in place in Australia and internationally and these intellectual property rights can only be used by purchasing a single use license from Fred’s Tiny House Pty Ltd.

A single use license to use any 1 or up to all 4 elements of the Unified Construction Method® (UCM®) to construct a single THV is available for purchase by:

  1. DIY Builders*; 
  2. 3rd party builders (someone employed to build a THV or hold a workshop teaching how to build a tiny house);  
  3. Commercial builders selling THV’s to their customers. 

Using any 1 or up to all 4 elements of the Unified Construction Method® requires a license to do so. 

To use the Unified Construction Method® without a license may be an infringement of the patent rights.

To cause or enable another party, such as a trailer manufacturer or 3rd party builder to use any 1 of the 4 elements of the Unified Construction Method® without a license may be considered to be contributory infringement of the patent rights. 

* DIY Builders are defined as: people who are picking up the tools themselves to build a THV (trailer or tiny house on wheels) without employing any others to build their THV, and the THV is for their own personal use, and not for sale.  DIY Builders purchase a single use UCM® license that is discounted so the net cost to the DIY Builder is zero.  DIY Builders using any 1 or up to all 4 elements of the UCM® are bound by the full terms of the UCM® single use license even though the license comes to them free of charge.  Those not meeting the above definition of a DIY Builder in full are not entitled to the DIY discount.


Fred Schultz and Fred’s Tiny Houses Pty Ltd take no responsibility for your THV build.

In the building of your THV, you are required to do your own research and come to your own conclusions about how to construct a THV that will be fit-for-purpose in all ways.

The content available here in this online course represents the best practice and most up-to-date information from Fred Schultz of Fred’s Tiny Houses Pty Ltd as of Feb 25th 2020.


By clicking ‘I Agree’ you: 

  • Accept full responsibility for your THV build;
  • Accept the terms of use of the UNIFIED CONSTRUCTION METHOD® LICENSING as written above;
  • Accept that you are responsible for undertaking your own rigorous research into the best methods of tiny house construction; and
  • Accept that you are responsible for finding out the specific rules, regulations and vehicle/building standards that apply in your local area.